First off, Cindy's lungs are apparently now inflamed because they're unable to properly diffuse any oxygen they receive. As a result her heart is working over time to compensate for the lack, which is creating an elevated heart rate. That is why she is so easily winded all the time & on bed rest.
But in edition to this there is also another concern. It turns out that in edition to all of this there is also a sort of spot of some kind...a discoloration on her right lung which the CT scan recently revealed that has her Drs. concerned.
As a result Cindy has been scheduled to receive a Bronchoscope this Tuesday the 23rd of December. Basically they're going to stick a camera down her trachea and see if they can find anything out of the ordinary going on there. In edition to this they're also going to biopsy different parts of her lungs to be safe. They want to leave no stone unturned.
What that means in terms of her treatment is that the BEST case scenario for her is that it's only one of her chemo drugs (Bliomycin) affecting her lung function and they will have to press on without it; The WORST case scenario being that she has a Pneumonitis or even a form of TB or Lung Cancer and they consider how best to proceed from there. Although the Oncologist feels fairly certain that it is just the chemo effecting her lungs and nothing more he doesn't really know and thinks it best to go through the testing to make sure.
Either way I don't have to tell you how discouraging it is to hear all of this so unexpectedly especially so close to her last two chemo treatments let alone right before Christmas. Please keep our family in your prayers this week if you think of us as this will put a serious damper on the holiday season and in spite of the best intentions of her Drs still feels very much like a punch to the stomach. Needless to say it is a lot to take in right now and neither of us is really sure how to feel about it. For now we are simply choosing to lean in even feeble faith on the One who led us here.
We love you all and appreciate everything you have done for us through it all. We trust that God is even at work in all of this and look forward to seeing what He does through it all.
Lord bless you and keep you this holiday.
Chris and Cindy

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